I have done it! I have moved into a town with more people than cows for the first time in my life, and boy, is it different.
I have gotten two ID tags in two days and a little more than I bargained for on both days.
Day one:
I was at the LDS Church Office Buildings to get my ID tags to allow me entry into everywhere I need to go for my mission. I felt lost and disoriented, but boy, was I happy! What a dream come true. As I walked back to my apartment, a sweet woman stopped me on the street to say "you are beautiful! You look like Rebekah, you know, the one who marries Isaac in the Bible." Hot dang, I look like a biblical beauty. All is well. Such a sweet compliment.
As I traveled further down the sidewalk, (keep in mind, the walk is only 4 minutes to my abode,) I hear someone shout "Hey, HEY!" Naturally, I turn to see who wanted my attention. It was an elderly man... With his pants on the ground. DANGER, DANGER, WILL ROBINSON. SEE NO EVIL!!!!
I had been flashed. I had been flashed on my first day in Salt Lake right across from the temple. Clearly, this man had no respect for biblical beauties or such a sacred building.
Day two:
Fast forward (or flash forward... Ha, I am hysterical.) to today. I began work today and am LOVING it. Talk about an excellent place to work filled with excellent people. As we went through the motions of checking a guest out of a building, her large box of props for her TV plug tipped over the hand sanitizer which then squirted... Straight into my eyeball. Good aim, hand sanitizer. You should try out for an MLB team. You'd totally make it.
Anyways, that is all I have for now. We'll figure out something more a little later. I'm ill and tired, but I am here and I am happy. The Lord is good to me.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Good Ol' Lady Luck
Let's chat about luck.
I'm not talking about upside-down horse shoes or throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder. I am talking about a map falling out of the sky leading you to exactly where you want to be in life.
That's sort of where I am right now. And, boy, after mishap and misadventure, I can tell you, it feels great.
In truth, this post has nothing to do with luck, but the plans our Father in Heaven has for us.
I move in 15 days to Salt Lake City to pursue one of my life long dreams. I will begin working with the LDS Church History Museum.
Ever since I was a young gal, I have had a penchant for all things old - antiques, history lessons, my parents (wink wink, nod nod. Shout out. You're not really old, just older than me. I'm a child - we think everything is old.)
More so, I have always loved the history of my church. I'm fascinated by the enduring hope of the pioneers as they crossed the plains as well as those who travelled across the seas trusting that they would be allowed to worship freely. Through thick and thin. their beliefs are what drove them to create a life for themselves.
So, that's what I will be sharing with people. I will be giving tours and doing other various work throughout the museum to share with people my love of our history.
But let's focus on my history - my story.
About a year ago, I was visiting my kindred spirit; my better half; my bosom buddy; my faux-sister; the BFF that all other BFFS dream of: the one, the only, Jenny.
It was Valentine's day weekend, and I had 3 days off of school. I drove down to Salt Lake to gallivant wildly around the greater Salt Lake area with Jen.
Fast facts:
Jenny and I are the same person. My Valentine to her was a 3' thrifted Troll doll with a Valentine written on it's underpants. Her Valentine to me was a heart-shaped wreath with granny panties strung up in the center. We're forever friends, she and I.
Jenny and I went to get a pizza one night for a pizza/Disney movie night. (We watched Hunchback of Notre Dame. I cried. Surprise - I always do!) The pizza man told me "I'm sure you get this a lot... But you are really pretty. Like, beautiful." No, I do not get that a lot. Subsequently, Jenny and I decided I should marry a pizza man which would mean free pizza and free cuddles for life. I'm down.
We fell asleep watching a film on Monday evening. I was supposed to leave Tuesday at 8am, so when I woke up and saw the clock say 10:49, I was a little frantic. It was 10:49 PM, but I refused to be convinced. Jenny had to go to great lengths to prove it to me. TIL I'm a fool.
Jenny is currently serving an 18-month proselyting mission in Barcelona Spain. She's the best and the coolest and I love her a lot.
Anyways, on Saturday, we went to my jam, the LDS Church History Museum. We got in a conversation with one of the lovely volunteers there who asked if I was interested in working with the museum. With a double fist air pump and a resounding "YOU BET'CHA!" I left her with my name and contact information. And in the way college students are wont to do, I forgot all about it.
That is until November. I received an email from the museum saying they were ready for new docents, and if I was interested, I could give them a call to schedule an interview.
I was planning on returning to school in January, so I put off contacting the museum for a while. I wanted to complete another semester of school then serve a mission, so no matter how much I wanted the museum, it didn't fit into my plans.
I wanted desperately to serve a mission, and I knew I would, but through recent discussions I had with my bishop as well as answers I had received, I knew, with all of my broken heart that a full-time proselyting mission was not what the Lord had in mind.
So I called them. 'Why not?' I asked myself, and I scheduled an interview for the first week of December. The interview was in Salt Lake and I was in Colorado, so all I had to do was get out to UT, and then I would be good to go.
I work three different jobs, so I thought it would be a challenge scheduling everything accordingly, but everything aligned perfectly for me to be in UT for two days. Almost as if it were meant to happen.
My father and I left early one morning to catch a flight to Salt Lake City. That's when I started seeing the miracles begin. I often have struggles sleeping and having enough energy for my day, but that day, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. To put things into perspective, I generally sleep about 3-4 hours a night. That night, I slept a full 7 and woke up dancing at 4 to catch my flight. Literally dancing. Louis Prima's 'Pennies From Heaven' was my alarm that morning.
Then, at the SLC airport, we were hurrying to our rental car when I realized I had lost an earring. To some, this may not be a big issue. But for me, it was detrimental. I had only brought one pair of earrings on the trip and I brought my favorite pearls to look extra fancy. I thought to myself "well, I guess I am destined to be average. Bummer deal." and I told my dad to forget it.
He insisted we look, so we turned around to retrace our steps, and what should we see but my pearl earring, back attached, rolling towards us on the automated walkway. In order for the back to still be attached, my ear lobe must have either disappeared completely (which I promise it did not,) or my earring was trained with the Jedi council and used the force to reattach itself. (Likely.)
Either way, it was an absolute tender mercy.
Fast forward to the interview - I found myself being the youngest person there. Every one else had degrees and families and not to mention successful careers. I felt out of place and a bit foolish thinking I would have a chance. But I didn't leave. I went through the interview process and found the Lord blessing me at every turn.
It was a three tier interview process, meeting with heads of various departments. In one interview, the interviewer was a bit gruff, and being the tender hearted little nut I am, I was shaking in my proverbial boots. (I was wearing flats, but non-sequitur.) I noticed an art piece on his wall and all of the sudden, words I had never before used and references to artists I had never heard of came flying from my mouth. I was shocked at everything I was saying. Me, who had only taken a semester long art class before, was discussing the chiaroscuro of a piece with the head of a museum department. What is life, even. Like, wut.
I had read that the Lord will put words in our mouths and He will cause our tongues to be loosed, but I had never before experienced it to such a degree.
In the last section of the interview, I met with a wonderful woman who said she had been looking forward to meeting me. She mentioned that we had spoken on the phone several years previous, yet she still remembered who I was. (I had no idea what she was talking about until I realized I had called the museum years before seeking information for a school project my sophomore year of high school.) We spoke and things were pretty average. Not too great, but also not too bad. I was about to leave, when I felt the overwhelming prompting to mention my experience onstage as well as with improv theatre. She leaped from her chair, grabbed my hand and led me to another woman to tell her that I was "the girl they had been looking for".
Long story short, they had been looking for someone with a background in theatre to help with a new program they were looking to begin. Had the Lord not prompted me to mention my experience, I may not have this amazing journey ahead of me.
I received a letter a few days after Christmas informing me that I had been chosen to become a new docent with the museum for a span of three years and that I would be needed in Salt Lake City in March. In the letter, there was an application for a Church service mission.
I had found my mission. The Lord had heard my prayers and He had answered them in His own way and on His own time, but, as it always does, it ended up being at a time when I needed it the most. I will be set apart as a missionary this Sunday. My little heart is full!
If that's not orchestrated by someone above, I don't know what is. Life is beautiful and the Lord has a plan for us. I know that this was His plan for me and that He had been working it for years to get me in the right place at the right time.
I testify that if we put our trust in the Lord and hope for a better world according to His will, it will come. It may not be when we want it or how we want it, but it will be when we need it and how we need it.
This little girl is a happy one.
I'm not talking about upside-down horse shoes or throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder. I am talking about a map falling out of the sky leading you to exactly where you want to be in life.
That's sort of where I am right now. And, boy, after mishap and misadventure, I can tell you, it feels great.
In truth, this post has nothing to do with luck, but the plans our Father in Heaven has for us.
I move in 15 days to Salt Lake City to pursue one of my life long dreams. I will begin working with the LDS Church History Museum.
Ever since I was a young gal, I have had a penchant for all things old - antiques, history lessons, my parents (wink wink, nod nod. Shout out. You're not really old, just older than me. I'm a child - we think everything is old.)
More so, I have always loved the history of my church. I'm fascinated by the enduring hope of the pioneers as they crossed the plains as well as those who travelled across the seas trusting that they would be allowed to worship freely. Through thick and thin. their beliefs are what drove them to create a life for themselves.
So, that's what I will be sharing with people. I will be giving tours and doing other various work throughout the museum to share with people my love of our history.
But let's focus on my history - my story.
About a year ago, I was visiting my kindred spirit; my better half; my bosom buddy; my faux-sister; the BFF that all other BFFS dream of: the one, the only, Jenny.
It was Valentine's day weekend, and I had 3 days off of school. I drove down to Salt Lake to gallivant wildly around the greater Salt Lake area with Jen.
Fast facts:
Jenny and I are the same person. My Valentine to her was a 3' thrifted Troll doll with a Valentine written on it's underpants. Her Valentine to me was a heart-shaped wreath with granny panties strung up in the center. We're forever friends, she and I.
Jenny and I went to get a pizza one night for a pizza/Disney movie night. (We watched Hunchback of Notre Dame. I cried. Surprise - I always do!) The pizza man told me "I'm sure you get this a lot... But you are really pretty. Like, beautiful." No, I do not get that a lot. Subsequently, Jenny and I decided I should marry a pizza man which would mean free pizza and free cuddles for life. I'm down.
We fell asleep watching a film on Monday evening. I was supposed to leave Tuesday at 8am, so when I woke up and saw the clock say 10:49, I was a little frantic. It was 10:49 PM, but I refused to be convinced. Jenny had to go to great lengths to prove it to me. TIL I'm a fool.
Jenny is currently serving an 18-month proselyting mission in Barcelona Spain. She's the best and the coolest and I love her a lot.
Anyways, on Saturday, we went to my jam, the LDS Church History Museum. We got in a conversation with one of the lovely volunteers there who asked if I was interested in working with the museum. With a double fist air pump and a resounding "YOU BET'CHA!" I left her with my name and contact information. And in the way college students are wont to do, I forgot all about it.
That is until November. I received an email from the museum saying they were ready for new docents, and if I was interested, I could give them a call to schedule an interview.
I was planning on returning to school in January, so I put off contacting the museum for a while. I wanted to complete another semester of school then serve a mission, so no matter how much I wanted the museum, it didn't fit into my plans.
I wanted desperately to serve a mission, and I knew I would, but through recent discussions I had with my bishop as well as answers I had received, I knew, with all of my broken heart that a full-time proselyting mission was not what the Lord had in mind.
So I called them. 'Why not?' I asked myself, and I scheduled an interview for the first week of December. The interview was in Salt Lake and I was in Colorado, so all I had to do was get out to UT, and then I would be good to go.
I work three different jobs, so I thought it would be a challenge scheduling everything accordingly, but everything aligned perfectly for me to be in UT for two days. Almost as if it were meant to happen.
My father and I left early one morning to catch a flight to Salt Lake City. That's when I started seeing the miracles begin. I often have struggles sleeping and having enough energy for my day, but that day, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. To put things into perspective, I generally sleep about 3-4 hours a night. That night, I slept a full 7 and woke up dancing at 4 to catch my flight. Literally dancing. Louis Prima's 'Pennies From Heaven' was my alarm that morning.
Then, at the SLC airport, we were hurrying to our rental car when I realized I had lost an earring. To some, this may not be a big issue. But for me, it was detrimental. I had only brought one pair of earrings on the trip and I brought my favorite pearls to look extra fancy. I thought to myself "well, I guess I am destined to be average. Bummer deal." and I told my dad to forget it.
He insisted we look, so we turned around to retrace our steps, and what should we see but my pearl earring, back attached, rolling towards us on the automated walkway. In order for the back to still be attached, my ear lobe must have either disappeared completely (which I promise it did not,) or my earring was trained with the Jedi council and used the force to reattach itself. (Likely.)
Either way, it was an absolute tender mercy.
Fast forward to the interview - I found myself being the youngest person there. Every one else had degrees and families and not to mention successful careers. I felt out of place and a bit foolish thinking I would have a chance. But I didn't leave. I went through the interview process and found the Lord blessing me at every turn.
It was a three tier interview process, meeting with heads of various departments. In one interview, the interviewer was a bit gruff, and being the tender hearted little nut I am, I was shaking in my proverbial boots. (I was wearing flats, but non-sequitur.) I noticed an art piece on his wall and all of the sudden, words I had never before used and references to artists I had never heard of came flying from my mouth. I was shocked at everything I was saying. Me, who had only taken a semester long art class before, was discussing the chiaroscuro of a piece with the head of a museum department. What is life, even. Like, wut.
I had read that the Lord will put words in our mouths and He will cause our tongues to be loosed, but I had never before experienced it to such a degree.
In the last section of the interview, I met with a wonderful woman who said she had been looking forward to meeting me. She mentioned that we had spoken on the phone several years previous, yet she still remembered who I was. (I had no idea what she was talking about until I realized I had called the museum years before seeking information for a school project my sophomore year of high school.) We spoke and things were pretty average. Not too great, but also not too bad. I was about to leave, when I felt the overwhelming prompting to mention my experience onstage as well as with improv theatre. She leaped from her chair, grabbed my hand and led me to another woman to tell her that I was "the girl they had been looking for".
Long story short, they had been looking for someone with a background in theatre to help with a new program they were looking to begin. Had the Lord not prompted me to mention my experience, I may not have this amazing journey ahead of me.
I received a letter a few days after Christmas informing me that I had been chosen to become a new docent with the museum for a span of three years and that I would be needed in Salt Lake City in March. In the letter, there was an application for a Church service mission.
I had found my mission. The Lord had heard my prayers and He had answered them in His own way and on His own time, but, as it always does, it ended up being at a time when I needed it the most. I will be set apart as a missionary this Sunday. My little heart is full!
If that's not orchestrated by someone above, I don't know what is. Life is beautiful and the Lord has a plan for us. I know that this was His plan for me and that He had been working it for years to get me in the right place at the right time.
I testify that if we put our trust in the Lord and hope for a better world according to His will, it will come. It may not be when we want it or how we want it, but it will be when we need it and how we need it.
This little girl is a happy one.
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