I seem to be glued to eye injuries.

I went and retrieved the super
glue, but curiosity got the best of me, as it often does. I saw the shiny
silver foil covering the glue opening, and I had to know what was beneath it. I was a sailor and that foil was my siren's song. (I should pretty much be a poet or something.) I
grabbed a pushpin, and carefully slid it into the foil, hoping to remove it and
finally understand the mystery that was super glue. I removed the pin with
surgeon-like care when the glue decided it would rather shoot out like a bullet
rather than ooze like normal glue. Always
have to be super, don’t ya? Can’t just be normal glue, can you? Diva.
Next thing I know, my right eye is burning and I cannot see out of it. I had super glued my eye shut. This terrified me. I did cry. I did scream. I also worry that I may have messed myself, but for the sake of reputation, that didn’t happen. My mom came running to my rescue and had the sense not to chastise me for my silly mistake. She guided me into her room where she asked me what happened. I told her “I don’t know! It just exploded!” Although, I am sure the pushpin that was now glued to the desk was evidence otherwise. I had been caught glue-handed.
Next thing I know, my right eye is burning and I cannot see out of it. I had super glued my eye shut. This terrified me. I did cry. I did scream. I also worry that I may have messed myself, but for the sake of reputation, that didn’t happen. My mom came running to my rescue and had the sense not to chastise me for my silly mistake. She guided me into her room where she asked me what happened. I told her “I don’t know! It just exploded!” Although, I am sure the pushpin that was now glued to the desk was evidence otherwise. I had been caught glue-handed.
We went to the same doctor that dealt with my masked
Spanish crusader eye a year earlier. They proceeded to cut off all of my
eyelashes. Fact:
It takes eyelashes about 6 months to completely grow back.
Fact: I looked really silly for 6 months. Fact: There is now a photo of my
super glue disaster pasted in my baby book. Oh, the memories.
I will attest to the true-ness of her story. She was eyelash-less for a good 6 months. Poor Brynne!