It's been ages since I posted anything. Hey. It happens. So, here are a few short updates:
I accidentally walked into a bee-keeping area. Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Just a whole bunch of nopes right up there.
I saw a moose. It changed my life. Or at least my view on moose-type animals.
I made a homeless man lunch. (This is for another day.)
I got a ticket for the first time ever. (No yay.)
I move to SLC in March (YAYYYYYYYY.)
Just a lot of Brynne moments. Too many to count.
The story of how I found some bee boxes. Whadda party.
I went fishing with my dear sweet roommate Mindy, her beau, and his roommate on Memorial Day. Being the adventurous Brynne that I am, I began to venture off from the others and see what the river and surrounding areas had to offer. I felt like a real Lewis or Clark. (I don't discriminate, so I listed both of their names.) I came to a ditch filled with tires and old wood, so I was on high snake alert. My snakedar was activated, if you will. I didn't see any, so I went across and thought nothing of it.
I hiked off by myself for sometime until I saw an area of the river that was unearthly. It was one of the most beautiful vistas I have ever seen, hands down. I made my way down the ridge to stand on the river banks. I felt like Pocahontas. Just around the river bennnnddddd! I may or may not have had a Disney moment. I stood there for a while and then decided that Mindy had to come enjoy this little bit of heaven on Earth with me. I headed up to the top of the ridge, climbing back up in a different spot than where I had come down. When I reached the top, I looked up to see 7 - 10 bee boxes all around me. I had a small feminine heart attack. For someone who has only been stung twice, this is a big deal right here. I backed away slowly, then somehow managed to do a grapevine/moonwalk away from the bees, but I never once turned my back on them. Those bees had some shifty eyes. Hold up, let's just appreciate the fact that my rad dance skills were employed in a fight or flight situation. I've got the rhythm, I've got the groove. I'm my own Funky Bunch. Sorry, Marky Mark, but this is Brynnie Brynne. Word.
I began to make my way back to my friends when I came back to Snake Gulch, as we'll call it. I began to scan for any snakes when my heart dropped to my kidney zone to pop in for a friendly visit. Hopefully you know basic anatomy and such, but if you don't, your heart is not supposed to be high fiving the kidneys. I like snakes when they are tame and not wild and not out for blood, but when I encounter them on my own, you bet that I would rather be sitting in a bee keeping zone than dealing with that junk. But there it was - something huge and round and scaly looking. I stood there, frozen, and didn't know what to do. After probably three minutes of staring, I realized I was terrified of an old braided rug. Brynne, you actin' like a foo'. But really, who does that? Sick jerks. That's who does junk like that. Phonies. (Yes, I did just pull a Holden Caufield. It happens.)
Now we transition into the moose story. Look at that. Seamless.
I hopped over the Braided Rug Gulch, as we'll now call it, and made my way back to civilization, or just down the ridge where Mindy, Barratt and Dylan were fishing in vain. I grabbed Mindy, and we ventured off into the sunset. The end.
No, that is a lie. We went over to my little paradise so she could enjoy it as well. After we made it over Braided Rug Gulch, we found a little knife with a broken handle. Mindy, being Mindy, grabbed the knife 'just in case we needed it'. :) We make our way over to the river bend, slowly, but surely. (Minds was wearing flip flops, so trail adjustments had to be made.) After I scaled down, I helped Mindy, knife still in hand, and we made it to the bank. As we're looking out, we see movement. Lo and behold, it was a baby moose in the water. My jaw drops, Mindy's eyes bug out, and we just stare at this majestic little baby moose friend, who in turn, stared right back at us. We thought he might charge, but he was smart and didn't. Good one, moose. If he did, we had a knife. We could have taken him. We may be small, but we are scrappy. After the moose swam around the corner, Mindy and I stood there for a moment in silence. "That was so beautiful." I said. Mindy responded with: "I feel like we should hug." We did, but she was careful to not stab me in the back. Et tu, Brutus? Amiright, o amiright?
Mindy and I then thought it would be appropriate to sing some Pocahontas. She got a little into it and held the knife up as a microphone. I had to quickly remind her what it was that she was holding. If not for me, who knows what would have happened. But in all reality, Mindy and I are absolute bosom buddies. We complement each other perfectly and I love her. She's an angel. A quirky angel, but an angel nonetheless. We shout at Dylan and Barratt to come see, long story short, they do, they don't believe the moose was there, we are sad, and head up to the top of the ridge. As we look over the water, what should those non-believers see but the moose? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, they got served.
Also, congrats to Mindy and Barratt. They were married yesterday. Two peas in a pod, those kids.
The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. I still think of that moose. Wonder how it's doing. If it's still alive. How big its antlers are now. If it has any of its own baby meeses. You know - the usual.