Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Chortle a Day Keeps the Men Away

 Funny stories from the Miller household. 
            “He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.”
                           ― Rafael Sabatini

            My youngest sister, Lily, is amazing, Easily the most gifted comedian I have ever met, but she doesn’t even realize it. She’s a quiet gal, but everything she says is perfect. Once, at the dinner table, My parents called my sister, Erika, a freak. Lily, who was spooning peas into her mouth, quietly said “she’s super freaky, yeowwww.”  Before putting the spoon into her mouth.


            Erika, (younger,) Alyssa, (older,) and myself would take the baby’s diapers, (Lily,) and wear clean ones on our heads. We then would take the dirty ones and launch them at each other with homemade devices in our large office. We were lonely kids.


            Alyssa and I began a ‘Jazz Club’ in our playroom. We turned off all of the lights, but had a few lamps in the room turned on. We covered them with colorful scarves to give ‘the look’, you know? We wore Newsboy caps and fluffy scarf dresses. We decided one night that we needed refreshments. We soaked bread in water and then put that bread on the desk that lit up from beneath. It never cooked the rolls.


            In Oahu, Hawaii, my father, Alyssa and I all went to go feed Sting Rays. The Sting Rays were trained to flop on your back for a ‘kiss’. As I was feeding squid to one ray, another flopped on my back pushing me face first into the handful of squid I had. Good one, Sting.

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